Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  • Frequency: Bi-Monthly
  • ISSN: 2319-8834
  • Email: [email protected]
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Vol. 4, No. 2 (2015)
Perception of Malaria and Treatment Seeking Behaviour among Rural Dwellers in Nigeria
Akpenpuun Joyce Rumun & Mpem Terungwa
Organizational Leadership and Organizational Commitment of Kedah District Education Officers
Zulfikri Ab Talib, Yaakob Daud, Yahya Don & Arumugam Raman
Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education: A Case of Participants in a Refresher Course
Sachin Kumar
Correlation Analysis between Verbal Intelligence and Chinese Relative Clause Processing
Wang Huili & Qu Shuang
A Review of the Methods and Strategies Appropriate to the Teaching and Learning of Office Technology and Management in the 21st Century
Amiaya Anita Ogheneovo (Mrs) & Mr. Ovbiagele Abraham Otaigbe
Management of Pension Schemes in Africa: Nigeria’s Experience, Challenges, and the Way Forward
OVBIAGELE, Abraham Otaigbe
Use of Eye Movement Tracking Technique in the Study of Layout and Composition Design of Medieval Indian Manuscripts
Ms. Pranita Ranade
The Changing Pattern of Livelihood in Sagar Island, West Bengal, India
Senjuti Saha & Tuhin Ghosh
An investigation into Challenges and Prospects Facing the National Commission of Lands and other Assets in Peace and Stability in Burundi
Leonidas Ngendakumana (Mr.) & Laurete Girukwishaka (Mrs.)
Challenges Faced in the Implementation of the Zimbabwe Localised Advanced Level Geography Syllabus: A Case of Gweru District High Schools
Wonderful Dzimiri & Simon T. Marimo
Integrating Cultures into Business English for Globalization
Peter S. SHIEH
Harnessing Open Educational Resources in Teacher Education in Zimbabwe: The Case Study of Zimbabwe Open University
Makamure Clemence
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