Submitting your manuscript to Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences (GJBAHS) means that your work has not been published anywhere else in any other journal, book or in a book chapter, be it printed or online (except in the form of an abstract or an academic thesis). The editor(s) of journal have the right to edit or to alter all contributions, but authors of the submitted work will receive proof before the publication of their work.
Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word. For any queries, write us an e-mail:- [email protected] OR [email protected]
We only accept the manuscript(s) written in English. Authors are allowed to use both American and British version of English but one style must be constant.
1. Title of the paper
2. Name of Authors and affiliations
3. Abstract (Maximum 150 words)
4. Keywords (Maximum five words)
5. Introduction - including motivation, aims and overview etc.
6. Main body - explanation of methods, data used, instrumentation, results and discussion etc.
7. Conclusions
8. Acknowledgement (If any)
9. References
Authors should adopt the following criteria(s) for writing their manuscript(s).
Title: Cambria, Title case, Bold, First Letter of each word is capital, Font size -14
Author(s) Name: Times New Roman, font size -11
Affiliations, addresses, e-mail addresses: Times New Roman, font size - 10
Abstract: Times New Roman, font size - 10
Keywords: Times New Roman, font size -10
Body Text: Times New Roman, font Size-10, Single Spaced, Justify both sides,
First Line of all Paragraphs indented (0.3), No Line Breaks between paragraphs
Paragraph Spacing: Above paragraph – 0 pt, below paragraph – 0 pt
Paragraph Tab Space: 0.3"
Heading 1: Times New Roman, Size-12, Bold, for example, 1. Introduction
Heading 2: Times New Roman, Size-10, Bold, for example, 1.1 Leadership
Heading 3: Times New Roman, Size-10, Italic, for example, 1.1.1 Leadership
References: Times New Roman, font size -9
Page Layout/Setup: Margins: Top -1" (inch) & Bottom: 0.8" (inch)
Left: 1" (inch) , Right: 0.8" (inch)
Header- 0.3 inch & Footer: 0.3 inch
Paper: Portrait, A4 size (8.27 inch x 11.69 inch)
Photographs: JPG and GIF format only and Inserted immediately after the citation in the
Table(s): Times New Roman, Font size-10 and Inserted immediately after the citation in
the text and table titles are to be above the table.
Figure(s): Figure captions should be placed below the figure.
Title page is generally a separate page and come before the text of the manuscript. It should include following details in the given format & sequence:
Type the Title of Paper
First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3
1Department (Optional), Name of Organization, State, Country
Email address
2Department (Optional), Name of Organization, State, Country
Email address
3Department (Optional), Name of Organization, State, Country
Email address
At the end of the manuscript, references must be arranged in the alphabetical sequence. If there are more than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year then it must be identified using the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., which is written right after the year of publication.
Reference Examples:
Single Author
Daney, S. (2005). Justice Beyond Borders: A Global Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Multiple Authors
Bhasin, Pamla, & Khan, Mighat. (1986). Some Questions on Feminism and its Relevance in South Asia. New Delhi: Kali for Women.
Chapter in Edited Volume
Matthew, K.S. (1992). Cuddalore in the Eighteenth Century. In I. Banga (Ed.), Ports and their Hinterlands in India, 1700−1950, pp. 77−87. New Delhi: Manohar.
Journal Article
Bassett, D.K. (1989). British “Country” trade and local trade networks in the Thai and Malay states c.1680−1770. Modern Asian Studies, 23(4), pp. 625−643.
Contribution to a Conference
Gwetu, Thando D. (2004, July). Patterns and Trends of Urbanization in Botswana and Policy Implications for Sustainability. Paper presented at ‘City Futures: An International Conference on Globalism and Urban Change’, held at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Retrieved from>
Brunk, A.C. (n.d.). Balodgahan Village (Manuscript IV-17-21, Box 28, Charitable Institutions, fol. 1). Goshen, Indiana: AAMC.
Electronic Document
Centre for Science and Environment. (2003). Sacred Groves: Last Refuge. Down to Earth, Electronic document. Retrieved from Accessed 26 June 2005.
Unpublished Thesis
Iliffe, John. (1988). The Socio-economic and Political History of the Herero of Mahalapye, Central District, 1922-1984 (Unpublished BA thesis). Department of History, University of Botswana.
1. After receiving author(s) manuscript, the author will receive a confirmation e-mail within one or two working days. If you have trouble in receiving or finding confirmation e-mail, kindly check your junk e-mails folder or put your complaints to the editor of the journal via e-mail.
2. We are using double blind peer-review system in which identity of author(s) remain anonymous to the reviewers (and vice versa) to make the review process fair. The review process may take 05 days to 07 days.
3. If reviewer(s) recommend some changes then author(s) revise the article.
4. The accepted manuscripts will be published online and author(s) have to pay very nominal fees. Before the accepted paper is published, we will inform the fees in the acceptance letter. Kindly note that ability to pay the publication fee doesn’t necessarily guarantee that the paper will be accepted for publication in GJBAHS*, because we, at GJBAHS*, believe that quality comes first.
* Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences (GJBAHS) is an online journal and thus authors should not expect the printed copies of the journal.